Statement of practice D12: full text

Produced by a Tolley Owner-Managed Businesses expert
Owner-Managed Businesses

Statement of practice D12: full text

Produced by a Tolley Owner-Managed Businesses expert
Owner-Managed Businesses

Note: This is a verbatim copy of SP D12

D12: Partnerships

This statement of practice was originally issued by The Commissioners for HMRC on 17 January 1975 following discussions with the Law Society and the Allied Accountancy Bodies on the Capital Gains Tax treatment of partnerships. This statement sets out a number of points of general practice which have been agreed in respect of partnerships to which TCGA 1992, s 59 applies.

The enactment of the Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000, has created, from April 2001, the concept of limited liability partnerships (as bodies corporate) in UK law. In conjunction with this, new Capital Gains Tax provisions dealing with such partnerships have been introduced through TCGA 1992, s 59A. TCGA 1992, s 59A(1) mirrors TCGA 1992, s 59 in treating any dealings in chargeable assets by a limited liability partnership as dealings by the individual members, as partners, for Capital Gains Tax purposes. Each member of a limited liability partnership

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