Tax efficient investments and pension planning

Produced by a Tolley Personal Tax expert
Personal Tax

Tax efficient investments and pension planning

Produced by a Tolley Personal Tax expert
Personal Tax


Tax efficient investments provide the investor with relief from one or more taxes for the current tax year, or are exempt from income tax and / or capital gains tax. Some investments have both attributes.

The following tax efficient investments are discussed below:

  1. •

    individual savings accounts (ISA), including the lifetime ISA, help to buy ISA and junior ISA

  2. •

    child trust funds

  3. •

    National Savings products

  4. •

    life assurance polices or investment bonds

  5. •

    venture capital schemes, including enterprise investment scheme, seed enterprise investment scheme, venture capital trusts and social investment tax relief

  6. •

    pension contributions

Each type of investment has its own set of qualifying conditions, which generally includes a cap on the amount that can be invested in a particular period. This may be the tax year, or another period. The client’s holding of tax efficient investments needs to be considered as part of the tax year-end planning exercise, to achieve tax savings for the current year and potentially to manage the taxable income for future periods.

Regulated investment advice


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