Time of supply ― basic tax points

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

Time of supply ― basic tax points

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

This guidance note provides information about basic tax points. Depending on the order of events in relation to when a supply is made, an invoice is issued and the supply is paid for, a supply may have a basic tax point and one or more actual tax points. Actual tax points can override basic tax points. For information about actual tax points, see the Time of supply ― actual tax points guidance note.

For detailed commentary on the tax point rules, see De Voil Indirect Tax Service V3.131 to V3.143.

How to identify the basic tax point of a supply

There are three kinds of event that can trigger a basic tax point for goods and one for services. See the separate sections below. When identifying the basic tax point of a supply, the first step is to identify whether the supply is a supply of goods or a supply of services. When that has been determined the next

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