Transfer of assets abroad code

Produced by a Tolley Trusts and Inheritance Tax expert
Trusts and Inheritance Tax

Transfer of assets abroad code

Produced by a Tolley Trusts and Inheritance Tax expert
Trusts and Inheritance Tax


The code is a widely drafted set of anti-avoidance provisions that seek to prevent the avoidance of UK taxation by transferring assets abroad. For the code to apply, there needs to be a transfer of assets by a UK resident individual, such that income deriving from those assets becomes payable to a ‘person’ abroad. This guidance note outlines the elements of the code and where it fits into the non-UK resident trust landscape.

In its simplest form, the code will attach to arrangements involving non-UK trusts, companies and foundations into which ‘assets’ are transferred by a UK resident individual. The definition of asset is very widely cast and can be sited within or without the UK.

There is a degree of overlap between the provisions of the code and other provisions relating to the taxation of income or capital gains. These are noted in the text with an indication of which rules take precedence.

In addition, there

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