Video game expenditure credit (VGEC) ― key provisions

Produced by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert
Corporation Tax

Video game expenditure credit (VGEC) ― key provisions

Produced by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert
Corporation Tax

This guidance note details an additional tax credit, which is known as the video games expenditure credit (VGEC) and is available to companies that produce qualifying video games.

Overview of video games expenditure credit (VGEC)

From 1 January 2024, tax relief for video games is given through the video games expenditure credit (VGEC). Prior to 1 January 2024, relief was provided through an additional corporation tax deduction or a tax credit (see the Video games tax relief ― key provisions guidance note). The transition to the revised tax relief rules post-1 January 2024 is voluntary but will be obligatory for new productions from 1 April 2025 and for all productions from 1 April 2027, at which point the previous tax reliefs will cease. Where a company elects into the VGEC and the accounting period straddles 1 January 2024, expenditure is apportioned.

VGEC is a taxable credit which can be claimed by qualifying video games companies on certain expenditure. The

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