Weekly tax highlights ― 9 September 2024

Produced by a Tolley Owner-Managed Businesses expert
Owner-Managed Businesses

Weekly tax highlights ― 9 September 2024

Produced by a Tolley Owner-Managed Businesses expert
Owner-Managed Businesses

Direct taxes

ATT Budget representations

The ATT have made the following Budget representations:

  1. •

    Income tax simplification which covers the following points:

    1. â—¦

      provide an enduring ‘opt-in’ to income tax self-assessment ― to simplify the position for taxpayers who would prefer to file tax returns despite not being obliged to under HMRC’s existing criteria.

    2. â—¦

      simplify jointly-owned property rules ― align the income tax treatment of assets jointly owned by cohabiting spouses/civil partners with that applying to other joint owners, in particular to avoid unnecessary side effects of abolishing the furnished holiday lets regime

    3. â—¦

      relax the rules on carrying back gift aid donations ― allow carry back of gift aid donations to the previous tax year via amendments to that year’s tax return

    4. â—¦


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  • 09 Sep 2024 12:20

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