Legal News

Competition weekly highlights—19 September 2024

Published on: 19 September 2024

Table of contents

  • UK mergers
  • Vodafone/CK Hutchison JV raises competition concerns; CMA considers prohibition of the merger would be the most effective remedy
  • EU antitrust
  • General Court annuls Google AdSense decision
  • General Court largely dismisses Qualcomm’s appeal against Commission’s predatory pricing decision; reduces fine due to errors in the calculation of the fine
  • EU mergers
  • Microsoft/Inflection: Commission notes withdrawal of referral requests by seven Member States
  • Daily and weekly news alerts
  • LexTalk®Competition: a Lexis®Nexis community
  • Collaborate and network with a community of expert lawyers
  • More sections of this document available when you sign-in to Lexis+ or register for a free trial.

Article summary

This week's edition of Competition weekly highlights includes, from a UK perspective: (1) the publication of the CMA’s provisional findings in Vodafone/CK Hutchison JV. This week’s highlights also includes, from an EU perspective: (1) a General Court judgment annulling the Commission’s Google AdSense decision, (2) a General Court judgment largely upholding the Commission’s fine imposed on Qualcomm for predatory pricing, and (3) the Commission’s announcement that its notes that seven Member States have withdrawn Article 22 referral requests in relation to Microsoft Corporation’s acquisition of certain assets of Inflection AI, Inc.

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