Legal News

Family weekly highlights—19 September 2024

Published on: 19 September 2024

Table of contents

  • Practice and procedure
  • Changes to HMCTS Cloud Video Platform and the Video Hearings Service
  • Government introduces new Bill to clarify crypto’s legal status
  • Relationship breakdown
  • Roles of public bodies in certain forced marriage cases (MAS v ZK and others)
  • Financial provision
  • Express declaration of trust superseded by subsequent common intention constructive trust (Nilsson v Cynberg)
  • Financial remedy release note—respondent consent order
  • Public children
  • Pool of perpetrators (Re Y and others (Fact-Finding: Perpetrator))
  • More sections of this document available when you sign-in to Lexis+ or register for a free trial.

Article summary

This week's edition of Family weekly highlights includes analysis of the role of public bodies in forced marriage cases, a reminder about changes to HMCTS Cloud Video Platform and the Video Hearings Service and details of the new Property (Digital Assets etc) Bill. A financial remedy release note enabling respondent solicitors to lodge final consent orders directly on the HMCTS portal to finalise contested proceedings is also set out, together with details of a new Precedent client guide on the variation of financial remedy orders.

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