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France - VAT registration guide

VAT registration guides

Updated by Monika Bahm, PKF Arsilon

VAT registration threshold – local establishmentSales of goods: €91,900 during the previous year (or €101,000 if turnover did not exceed the €91,900 threshold during the year before the previous year).
Sales of services:
• Generally: €36,800 during the previous year (or €39,100 if turnover did not exceed the €36,800 threshold during the year before the previous year).
• Lodging and accommodation services: €91,900 during the previous year (or €101,000 if turnover did not exceed the €91,900 threshold during the year before the previous year).
• Lawyers, authors and artists: €47,700 during the previous year (or €58,600 if turnover did not exceed the €47,700 threshold during the year before the previous year).
Distance sales of goods and broadcasting, telecommunication and electronic (BTE) services, for EU established businesses only: €10,000 (total EU B2C supplies of BTE services and distance sales of goods – not just those into France).
Intra-EU acquisitions of goods: €10,000
VAT registration threshold – no local establishment€0
Voluntary VAT registrationA business established in France

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Web page updated on 24 Aug 2024 15:02