Employer reimbursement of bank charges

Produced by Tolley in association with
Employment Tax

Employer reimbursement of bank charges

Produced by Tolley in association with
Employment Tax


An employer may reimburse bank charges incurred by an employee. The income tax, NIC and reporting requirements associated with reimbursement of the bank charges will depend on the reason behind their reimbursement and whether the reimbursement comes within meaning of earnings in ITEPA 2003, s 62. The tax consequences of paying such fees will depend on whether the reimbursement is a benefit to the employee or compensation for loss. It is the construct or rationale behind these payments that will determine the PAYE and reporting consequences.

All issues regarding bank charges are covered in EIM01010.

Routine payment of employee’s bank charges

If an employer routinely pays an employee’s bank charges or fees associated with

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Paul Tew
Paul Tew

Writer and advisor at Paywatch

Paul Tew is a freelance adviser, primarily in the areas of pay, personal taxation and remuneration planning. A frequent contributor to technical journals on pay and benefits issues, having written for the "In Business" section of the Times. Paul continues to supply articles for various recognised professional publications including Pay and Benefits magazine, Taxation magazine and Company's Secretary's Review. Paul also has had several loose leaf and bound books published on a variety of subject matter including PAYE, NIC, Sickness and Maternity Pay.   Paul has written and presented training courses as well as headed up payroll and employment help desks and acted as an assessor for recognised Payroll/HR qualifications. Paul previously worked in the healthcare and oil sectors managing Pay and benefit services, so has many years of experience in dealing with PAYE and employment compliance issues across a broad range of industries and organisations.

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  • 12 Dec 2022 10:25

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