Personal tax claims and elections deadlines

Produced by a Tolley Personal Tax expert
Personal Tax

Personal tax claims and elections deadlines

Produced by a Tolley Personal Tax expert
Personal Tax

Why are deadlines important?

Many elections or claims for allowances can be submitted after the deadline for submitting the self assessment tax return has passed. For details of the deadline, see the Self assessment filing deadline guidance note.

The standard period for submitting claims or elections relating to income tax or capital gains tax is four years from the end of the tax year to which the claim or election relates.

A number of elections have a specific deadline of the first anniversary of 31 January following the tax year in which the relevant event took place (see below).

Several capital gains re-investment or rollover reliefs require an acquisition to be made within a set period of a disposal, so it is necessary to monitor both the deadline for making the election and the period for making the reinvestment. For more details, see the Rollover relief and Enterprise investment scheme deferral relief guidance notes.

Claims and elections by 31 January

The claims summarised in Table 1 ― claims which should be made by 31 January

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