Establishing employment status

Produced by Tolley and written by
Employment Tax

Establishing employment status

Produced by Tolley and written by
Employment Tax

Anne is a barrister who sits as a judge of the Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber) and the First-tier Tax Tribunal. The commentary in this guidance note is her personal view as she is not authorised to write on behalf of the Tribunals Service or the judiciary.

This note explains how to work out whether a person is employed or self-employed. It considers the NIC deeming rules, the contractual relationship between the parties, HMRC’s Check Employment Status for Tax (‘CEST’) online tool and the HMRC status determinations, together with how these can be challenged. The reasons why status is important are explained in the Employment status ― why it matters guidance note.

Further changes are likely in the near future, as the labour government moves forward with the proposals in its ‘Plan to make work pay’ (published on The Labour Party site ― https://labour.org.uk).

Remember that this note, and the other notes on employment status, are only a summary, and you may need to take further advice. For the position where individuals are working

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Anne Redston
Anne Redston


Anne Redston is a barrister and consultant editor of Tolley's Yellow Tax Handbook. She is also a judge of the Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber), the First-tier Tax Tribunal and the Social Entitlement Tribunal. She is a Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Adviser, and a Fellow of both Institutes.   

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  • 11 Dec 2024 17:31

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