Group relief

Produced by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert
Corporation Tax

Group relief

Produced by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert
Corporation Tax

Group relief allows losses to be surrendered from loss-making companies to profitable companies in the same 75% group. The maximum claim is the lower of either:

  1. •

    the available loss

  2. •

    the available profit

In addition, there are rules allowing the allocation of capital gains and losses to other group members. The definition of a ‘group’ is slightly different for group gains purposes. For information on this, see the Group gains guidance note.

The videos entitled Principles of Group Relief (A) and Principles of Group Relief (B) also explain the 75% group definition, as well as providing further information on group relief of current year and carried forward losses. It covers some of the considerations to be made in allocating losses in a tax efficient manner and walks through illustrative examples to show how the calculations are performed.

The Group relief ― further aspects video explores non-coterminous and short accounting periods, companies joining or leaving a group, plus issues relating to non-resident subsidiaries and overseas permanent establishments.

Reforms to corporation tax loss relief

Reforms to corporation tax

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