Losses on non-trade intangibles

Produced by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert
Corporation Tax

Losses on non-trade intangibles

Produced by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert
Corporation Tax

Debits arising in the accounts of the company in relation to intangible assets are, as a basic rule, treated as being allowable debits in the period in which they are charged. There are, however, restrictions on the allowable debits where the asset is goodwill or a customer-related intangible depending on the date of acquisition or creation. For more details, see the Goodwill and other customer-related intangible assets guidance note.

The tax treatment of debits and credits relating to intangible fixed assets (IFAs) is different depending on whether they relate to an asset used in a trade, a property business or for non-trading purposes.

Trading debits and credits relating to IFAs form part of trade profits as they are accrued to the profit and loss account.

Debits and credits relating to IFAs of a property business are treated as part of the expense / income of that property business.

Non-trading debits and credits relating to IFAs are pooled.

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