Corporate intangibles tax regime ― overview

Produced by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert
Corporation Tax

Corporate intangibles tax regime ― overview

Produced by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert
Corporation Tax

The corporate intangibles tax regime, found in CTA 2009, ss 711–906 (Part 8), generally governs the taxation of intangible fixed assets acquired or created by companies on or after 1 April 2002. The definition of an intangible fixed asset is discussed in detail in the What is an intangible fixed asset? guidance note. The corporate tax treatment essentially follows the treatment of intangibles in the accounts. There are however restrictions on the deductibility of debits in relation to goodwill and other customer-related intangible assets depending on the date of acquisition or creation, see the Goodwill and other customer-related intangible assets guidance note.

Prior to Finance Act 2002, there was no harmonised regime dealing with the taxation of corporate intangibles ― this continues to be the case for most ‘old’ corporate intangibles.

The corporate intangibles regime has gone through a number of iterations since its introduction in April 2002, most recently in July 2020, particularly in relation to goodwill and other customer-related intangible assets.

The regime is complex and requires detailed recording keeping by companies

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