How to establish if a company is UK resident

Produced by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert
Corporation Tax

How to establish if a company is UK resident

Produced by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert
Corporation Tax

The concept of residence is important because corporation tax is chargeable on the worldwide profits of any company that is resident in the UK. The liability may be reduced by exemption or relief under a double taxation agreement or by unilateral relief. Non-UK resident companies are only liable to UK corporation tax on certain sources of income, such as profits attributable to a trade of dealing in or developing UK land, for example.

This guidance note outlines when a company (or an entity treated as a company for UK tax purposes) will be treated as resident in the UK. The UK position is set out first and then the tie-breaker provisions which may apply if another jurisdiction also sees that company as resident for tax purposes in that other jurisdiction. See the Entity classification guidance note for a discussion of what HMRC view as a company.

There may also be tax consequences when the residence of a company changes. See the Inbound migration and Outbound migration guidance notes.

A company will

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