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Latest Trusts and Inheritance Tax News

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HMRC Trusts and Estates Newsletter: May 2021

HMRC has published the May 2021 edition of the HMRC Trusts and Estates Newsletter.

21 May 2021 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Trusts and Inheritance Tax expert

HMRC manual: Trust Registration Service Manual

HMRC has published a new specific manual dealing with the new trust registration requirements.

20 May 2021 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Trusts and Inheritance Tax expert

Upper Tribunal, Tax And Chancery Chamber Practice Note

The Courts and Tribunals Judiciary has published a Practice Note issued by Chamber President, Mr Justice Zacaroli, on electronic filing of documents in the Upper Tribunal, Tax and Chancery Chamber using CE-File.

20 May 2021 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Agent Update: issue 84

HMRC has published Agent Update issue 84 (April-May 2021) providing a round-up of recent developments for tax agents and advisers.

20 May 2021 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

HMCTS updates on online Probate Service development in 2021

HM Courts & Tribunals Service (HMCTS) has published guidance for members of the public and probate professionals to apply for probate online and includes an update on how HMCTS is planning to enhance the service through 2021. With 30,000 online applications submitted since July 2018 and 4,466 probate firms registered with the service, HMCTS is looking to advance it further with several improvements such as accepting digital applications by trust corporations and removing the requirement for solicitors to have their clients sign the Statement of Truth.

19 May 2021 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Trusts and Inheritance Tax expert

HMRC Consultation: Draft regulations for the DOTAS, DASVOIT and POTAS regimes

HMRC has launched a consultation on draft regulations to enable HMRC to act more quickly where promoters fail to provide information on avoidance schemes, and to inform taxpayers at an earlier stage in cases where it suspects an avoidance scheme is being sold. The consultation closes on 13 June 2021.

18 May 2021 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Weekly roundup of HMRC manual changes: 17 May 2021

17 May 2021 - This roundup sets out the most important changes to HMRC manuals over the past week as curated by our editors.

17 May 2021 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

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