FR2.12 Closing a business in France


FR2.12.1 Dissolution-voluntary closure of a company | France


Closing a business can be voluntary or imposed in the case of bankruptcy.

In French law, there is a distinction between 'dissolution' and 'liquidation' (see www.service-public.fr/professionnels-entreprises/vosdroits/F23744).

Type of closureCommentary
DissolutionDissolution refers to the process where the associates of the company take the decision to close the company
LiquidationLiquidation refers to the settling of any debts of the company and therefore the payment of debts to any existing creditors

FR2.12.1ÌýÌýÌýÌý Dissolution-voluntary closure of a company

When a company is voluntarily closed, two different processes apply depending

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